Sunday, November 04, 2007

I can be your Garfriend

This is a work in progress ladies and gents... Ladies and gents...


Jason (Joonhyuk) Park said...

Horay to naked worriors!

Lettie Lo said...

haah garfriend?? LOL wowww.. who would have thought of that.
ne ways. this is good garfriend ;P

Lettie Lo said...

though, on a second thought i noticed most of ur pieces have similar composition as the last piece. esp the ones with warrior cs big mosters.

Lettie Lo said...


Hodges said...

cool beans garfriend! the second dude is cool, i bet he makes the same face when he poops

Chanp said...

nicee stuff. great to see so much new work!
keep it up

Garrett Hanna said...

Thanks team. Ya Lettie, the composition is similar.