Saturday, October 27, 2007

Who Would Have Guessed???

After doing this image I realized she kind of resembled Scarlet Johanson a bit, and it reminded me of this time I did a celebrity look alike test and apparantley I look like Scarlet Johanson!
I think the likeness is UNCANNY!!! REALLY!!!


Hodges said...

thats fuckin hilarious

Jason (Joonhyuk) Park said...

Ha ha ha ha I'm trying to imagine you as a girl. lol

Matías Hannecke said...

Dude. You are way hotter than Scarlet Johanson! Prrrow.

Jinny Liang said...

LOLL I think it's the hair ;)!!

and keep posting up more painting :D!!!

carlos preto said...

lol really people have said that u guys look alike :P i cant decide who looks better lol i love how u compared pictures i laughed 4 a good 5 minutes.your blog is looking great keep posting:)

Lettie Lo said...


Coelasquid said...

It's okay, I did one that said I looked like Michael Caine.

Morgs said...

I think I laughed for a good five minutes as well. I know you posted this awhile ago, but seriously, you are too funny! I miss you! We are sooo excited to come and visit you in March. I feel like I want to come sooner...maybe we can...?