Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Hey guys, this is a picture I did for my buddy as thanks for helping me out with all my computer troubles. Thanks Ian!!!


LeMark said...

good work, the colors work very well, did u use painter , probably! it works, im not quite sure about the character but the tree and grass very niice!

Garrett Hanna said...

thanks Mark! I'd like to know what you don't like about her though. That way I can see my mistakes and hopefully not make the same ones next time.

Peter said...

hey garrett, this is awesome! Great colours!! and chun-li rocksss

Chanp said...

Whoops, wrong acct. anyways. keep it up :)

Yuriy Sivers said...


Very illustrative piece...

My only concern would be the anatomy... (What else) :)

Her elbow(rotation is off) and Gluteus Medius(wouldn't stick out this much), dont forget there is one more muscle in there(tensor fascia lattae). The foot is brocken too. :(

But don't get me wrong i still like it... especially how you played around with composition... Very nice!

Jason (Joonhyuk) Park said...

You got OpenCanvas 4.5! Darn you Garrett. LOL

My favourite would be the shoes. They look awesome. (Umm... What's tensor fascia lattae again?)

Jeffrey Cheung said...

yay updates! cool stuff!

Garrett Hanna said...

Thanks for the critiques everyone!
I'm going to try and fix it sometime when we don't have a big things due...

Oh and Jason the Tensor Facia Lattea is in your hip region in front of your gluteus medius... You should probably look it up to get where it really is. It's kind of hard to explain :P

Igor P said...

The color choice is great, but the character, what have you done to her. A little more refrence on the head and neck and a lot less fkin around with perspective Garrett. The face just looks flat and unappealing, even if it's not the most inmportant part of the image, I still look at it, and I do get a litle disappointed here. Her legs are twice as long as her body making her torso look proportionately like that of a half ling.

Id be cool to see you paint more realistic figures in normal perspective with that same eye for color giving them a flare.

Hodges said...

Man i really like thats tree, the top looks awesome and very painterly, but i agree with everyone that chunli is off, the leg proportion is pushed a bit to far and the left leg looks totally broken inward, if you take a second and try to actually stand like that you might see what i mean, im not saying that you should always be able to pose the same way you draw, but in this case it could have helped, either way the colouring job is awesome

chris chua said...

heck yeah! She looks like she's about to chop that tree down with her littel pinky! Awesome