Monday, August 28, 2006

Brush Pen

Cheated on the third one and used a micron for some of the details...


Jinny Liang said...

These are lookin sexy~~ I like!! Esp the one with the trees and back of the girl..~~

theo said...

hey, I just started my own sketchblog and I was just browsing along and I ran accross your blog. Love the stuff by the way, I'm a big fan of ink myself. Anyways, I was wondering if I could add your blog to my links.

theo said...

hey, I just started my own sketchblog and I was just browsing along and I ran accross your blog. Love the stuff by the way, I'm a big fan of ink myself. Anyways, I was wondering if I could add your blog to my links.

Garrett Hanna said...

Thanks Jinny! Haven't seen anything or heard anything from you in awhile. Hope you had a good summer :D

Thankyou Theo. You have some interesting stuff. I don't mind at all if you post me on your blog.

ian said...

kick-ass stuff here, man.:) too bad to see you just quit DA for a while.[?]

Mihir Malavia said...

Garrett Buddy, You never seize to Amaze! Sick stuff man!
So guess what, i finally got stuff up on my blog, check it out