Thursday, October 04, 2012


I will be at CTN sharing a table with Cory Loftis and Mindy Lee. Come by and say something to any of us. I dare you. Also I reset my blog. Felt like I needed a fresh start... but I'll have new art up soon enough!


Nikolas Ilic said...

sweet! I will be sure to drop on by!

Ian MacDonald said...

HOT DAMN! I don't think I can make it out there this year. I'll try! But damn sexy promo flyer thar.

Unknown said...

That's a dynamic trio right there. Excited to meet all of you!

Trevor Spencer said...

AWESOME!!!! cant wait to see your work man.

Max Gon said...

god damn it garret

Ben Lo said...

WTB a copy, a copy without Garrett Hanna's work on it!