I've learned a lot from this painting. I learned that process is extremely important when trying to take on something of this size. I didn't plan ahead. I actually did the thumbnail about a year and a half ago and it was sitting in my folder so I decided I'd take it somewhere. I found though, that without proper planning I would often get stuck and not know what to do at times. It got frustrating at times. I will plan better with future paintings. Here's the thumbnail.
That's a lesson that I have had to learn and sometimes still need to learn again. Planning it out ahead of time can make the difference between making a deadline and missing it, or at least submitting work that you are pleased with as opposed to a piece you didn't have enough time to re-tool until it looked decent.
Well, it's a very cool work. A whole lot of action in those poses.
It's getting better, man.
Keep it up.
A friend of mine used to say, "nothing hard is ever easy".
How do you live with yourself... Being so awesome and such.
I notice the same thing all the time. It's nice to work from a nice flushed out drawing. Where instead of fighting yourself, you aim to plus what's already there. Cool composition in this...I'd love to see more like em.
I like very much your art and fantasy themes, very cool compositions also, cheers!
wow you're still as amazing. i'd like another lesson one of these days :D
dude, that turned out sweet. keep it up!
Man I've missed a lot in a year. Unsurprisingly, your stuff is kickass as always :D
Good Shinku Hadoken to the face!
Looks awesome man, I guess this is the "big one' you've been talking about, definitely looks time consuming, all worth it tho :)
this is insane garrett!
super epic and i love it.
even if you didn't plan ahead, it still looks pretty damn sweet!!
Thanks a lot everyone. I appreciate it. It requires patience it seems which is something I need to learn to have more of.
hard is art i liek ur art!
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