Friday, August 17, 2007

Photoshop Painting

Well school's creeping back on us. Somewhere in between work and the excessive amounts of video game playing this summer I managed to do SOME art. I


Hodges said...

nice use of texturing, is that one of your old life drawings coloured or something new all together?

Jeffrey Cheung said...

haha, stop pokemoning!

Lettie Lo said...

haha creeping back at us eh? more like 'its gonna be a fun ride again"!!!! :) good stuff garrent as always

Alvin Aquino said...

garrrrrrre bear! that first drawing's old you lazy bum! you showed it to me last month. anyhoo.. let's enjoy this last few weeks.

Yuriy Sivers said...

C'mon school is fun!
Awesome stuff G!

Jason (Joonhyuk) Park said...

He he I too have spent way too much time playing that certain game. lol

Matías Hannecke said...

You have to send me that canvas cool.

Unknown said...

awesome paintings!