Monday, February 06, 2012


Sing cause yo mama, yo mama, you mama said.
She said yo mama, yo mama, yo mama, what?
What yo mama say, she say?


Unknown said...

I'm busy making babies, greasy babies, sliding on my gravies, in the... I forgot the next part

[B]ehram said... my greasy belly... I made up the next part.
Frank the human boy and Jack the dog are awesome!

MJ said...


Kyu-bum Lee said...

hehe. I love how worry free Jake is

Ian MacDonald said...

fuck man this is amazing. And so is that episode. Awesome ref! haha

Lisa Tao said...

is that one of the newer episodes? i gotta catch up :(
p.s. this is beautiful

Garrett Hanna said...

Thanks everyooooooooone :D

Carolina Véliz said...

Oh no you didnt!

Dave said...

This image is so math! Rhombus!